This UFO lamp has been a work in progress for many years. I am trying to sort out a design that is viable for sale. The difficulty is in how the two halves of the dome connect. So far I have had little luck in getting a design that is clean enough to make the lamp available for sale. The lamp is about 14 inches in diameter and would be made of either aluminum, acrylic or delrin plastic. The lamp would be illuminated by a small remote controlled RGB light that cycles through colors.

Please let me know if this design might be something you would be interested in. They are 13 inches in diameter and are about 8 inches tall. I am considering making them but would like to gauge interest before investing the time and energy to make them a reality.

As you can see the ufo lamp at this point is very much a prototype. The frame was printed using an Anycubic 3D printer. The dome halves are formed with light diffusing plastic.